al-Habshi for Traveling
and Truism
Al-Habshi Famely
With cooperation with al-Habshi for Traveling and Truism, YCC has put
together programs of site seeing of historical and natural sites in wadi
Hudhramout where tourists enjoy the ride of YCC classic automobiles and the
seen of historical and natural places such as the oldest sky scrapers of
Shebam, the artistic mud palaces of Tarim, the largest mud construction of
al-Katheri Sultanate in Sayoun, as well as desert landscape of Hudhramout. To
arrange for a tour programs please contact al-Habshi for Travel and Truism at:
Telephone :00967-5-402675
FAX: 00967-5-402469
Postal address: P. O. Box 9267, Sayoun-Hudhramout, Yemen
Electronic mail: General Information: yemenclasiccars@yahoo.com
Webmaster: yemenclasiccars@yahoo.com